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Prevent Tooth Loss with Gum Disease Treatment in Caerphilly

Quick Action Can Defeat Gum Disease

Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss among adults in the UK. That’s why taking care of your gums is a crucial part of your dental well-being. At Astro Dental, we fight gum disease and save teeth using a range of proven techniques.

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What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is basically a disease of the tissues that support the teeth. Also known as periodontitis, the disease involved infections in the gums ad jaw bones. Unfortunately, gum disease is often painless in its early stages, which is why so many people lose their teeth despite getting treatment.

The key to successful gum disease treatment in Caerphilly is early detection — and that requires regular dental check-ups.

As periodontitis progresses, patients can suffer from bad breath, swollen gums, pain and — eventually — tooth loss. Fortunately, the experienced Caerphilly dentists at Astro Dental can intervene with a proven programme of treatments.

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What Are the Causes of Gum Disease?

The main cause of gum disease is plaque — a colourless film that coats your teeth. When plaque isn’t removed regularly, it can turn into a much harder and more stubborn substance called calculus or tartar. When plaque and tartar aren’t removed, bacteria can thrive. And the toxins created by those bacteria are what eventually destroys the supporting tissues around teeth.

When you have these toxins in your mouth, your body’s immune system attacks them. But that same defence mechanism also attacks the various tissues in your mouth. As gum disease continues, large gaps form between the gums and teeth — eventually causing teeth to loosen and fall out.

What Are the Tell-Tale Signs of Gum Disease?

Unfortunately, the early stages of gum disease are symptomless for many. However, as the problem progresses, the following symptoms can emerge:

1 – Bleeding gums — exacerbated by teeth brushing

2 – Swollen gums

3 – Red gums

4 – Tenderness of the gums

5 – Receding gums

6 – Pus emanating from the gums

7 – Painful swellings

8 – Loose teeth

How Is Gum Disease Treated?

Prevention is very much the best cure for gum disease. Regular dental check-ups in Caerphilly will ensure any issues are identified and remedied before they have the chance to progress. Brushing twice daily, flossing and avoiding too many sugary drinks and foods is a good start. However, only an experienced dentist will be able to give you the preventative treatment you need to keep gum disease at bay.

Gum disease treatments include:

  • Scaling
  • Removing plaque and tartar from the pockets of the teeth
  • Regular dental hygiene appointments

In severe cases, surgical periodontal treatment may be required. This will involve using a range of tools to remove plaque, tartar and bacteria from deep pockets. It might also include measures to smooth root surfaces and change the shape of the gums to make them easier to keep clean.

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Book a Gum Disease Treatment Appointment in Caerphilly Today

Whether you’ve spotted the early signs of gum disease or you’re looking for preventative treatments, contact our experienced dental team today to book an appointment.

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Caerphilly Dentists at Your Service

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We’re now accepting new patient registrations, but places are filling up quickly. To make sure you get access to the best dentistry services in South Wales, contact us today to register as an Astro Dental patient.

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Morgan Street
Llanbradach, Caerphilly,
CF83 3LW,
United Kingdom

Next to the Llanbradach community centre and is the former Aber medical centre.